We have memorial boards at the following locations in East Kent. We are keen to look at the possibilities of creating baby name tile boards in other community gardens in East Kent. If you know of somewhere that might be a possibility, please get in touch with us. Please click on the links below for more information.
*NEW* Sittingbourne (King George V Park) More information to come, orders now being taken​
Many crematoria and cemeteries have special baby areas but often they are out of town and not easy to get to, and the baby areas themselves are sometimes quite a way from the car park, or bus stop. They are often very sad places not always very inviting, sometimes with areas overgrown or very cluttered. Memorials at crematoria and cemeteries often cost many hundreds of pounds for just a set number of years and are often too expensive for many people.
In 2011, a group of local volunteers got together and decided we needed something better for local people. After a lot of work, and a considerable amount of fundraising, raising around £30,000 they were able to create the wonderful Ashford Baby Memorial Garden in Ashford Town Centre. This is within the main Memorial Park, and is five minutes’ walk from the shops, the buses and the railway station. The Baby Garden is open every single day during daylight hours and is completely accessible, with no steps.
We order name tiles four times a year and our deadlines are 15 February 15 May, 15 August and 15 November each year.
We ask for a minimum donation of £40, but can be flexible with payments over time where that would help.
To order, please click here and complete the form.
We list all our special babies by month on our 'Our Special Babies' page. If you would like to add your own wording to this page please fill in the form here and our volunteers will update the page.