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Recently the fencing around the Ashford Baby Memorial Garden has been completed and we are very happy with how smart it now looks. Thanks to Aspire and Ashford Council who arranged this and to Four Seasons Fencing who did the work - we were really impressed by the team who took extra special care in 'our' area!

The old hedge has been taken down by Aspire and replaced by some lovely new plants which will take a while to develop.

Sadly we lost the lovely clematis arch in the storms, but this will be replaced by Aspire over the coming weeks.

The Baby Garden now looks even more open and bright and the recent tidy-up by Aspire has helped as well.

A big thankyou to Aspire for their continuing support - much appreciated.

We will shortly be getting a large wooden sign to go on the outside of the Baby Garden (facing the rest of the Memorial Gardens) - so watch this space to see our next update!


We are very pleased that the garden is now open again. The tree has been checked and is safe, and the broken arch has been cleared away. Thank you for your understanding.

Unfortunately today's storms have caused some damage in our garden. There is damage to the large tree and also the lovely clematis arch at the other end has been destroyed.

For safety reasons, we have had to close the Baby Garden temporarily while we wait for Aspire to assess and deal with the damage.

The clematis entrance is currently blocked and we also need to get Aspire to check out the tree to make sure it is safe and nothing more can fall off.

We are, though, conscious that they will have a considerable number of trees etc to deal with so it may take just a little time. Until then we ask that you don't cross the tape and enter the garden.

We will keep our Facebook page and website updated as we have more information. We will let everyone know when it is reopened, and hope everyone will understand that safety is our main concern.

Thank you for your support.

Ashford Council is installing a new, secure fence around the whole of the Memorial Gardens to help improve security and the overall appearance.

This work will be starting on Monday 14 February and will start at our Baby Garden.

To allow this, the hedge at the back of our Garden, behind our name tiles, has been removed this week and a temporary fence put up.

The hedge will then be replaced with fresh privet which will look far nicer than the existing hedge which is full of ivy and all sorts of other invasive plants.

There will be no costs to us and the Baby Garden will remain accessible to everyone.

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